You’ve got this

This is for the ones who keep on hoping against all hope. Who feel like they've tried everything they can, but still keep trying. Who feel like they need the world to stand still for a minute so they can breathe and re-centre themselves because life keeps tossing them from one end to another daily

Who feel like they're tired but they can't afford to be tired because they have too many things and people attached to them. Who feel like they have no tears left to cry but they need a form of release.

I see you, I know you, I am you. So here's what I say to you, keep holding on. Keep hoping against all hope. Keep showing up. Keep doing your best. And don't forget to breathe.

Find the best form of release for you, cry if you need to, as much as you can. Wipe your eyes, take a deep breath, show up, and keep showing up.

Is it easy? Definitely not. Is it impossible? Absolutely not. You've got this.

With all my love.

Ibukun From MANI