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Imagine if everything you said about yourself or others showed up on your skin like tattoos. Would you feel beautiful walking around? It’s easy to underestimate the power of words, but how we talk to ourselves directly impacts our self-esteem and how we see the world.

Self-esteem is more than just feeling good about yourself, it's rooted in the way you speak to yourself every day. Positive self-talk builds confidence and helps you navigate challenges with grace. On the flip side, negative words chip away at your self-worth. When you constantly tell yourself you're not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough, those thoughts start becoming your reality.

And it’s not just about how you talk to yourself, it's also about how you treat others. We often don’t realize how much our words affect those around us. If your words toward others also showed up on your skin, would they display kindness and encouragement, or judgment and negativity? Would people feel uplifted when they interact with you, or would they feel drained?

Healthy self-esteem isn't just about what you see in the mirror, it's about being able to build up others too. When you feel good about yourself, it's much easier to extend that positivity to the people in your life.

As Starbucks quoted in one of its video ads- “It starts with you”. Choose words that reflect love, strength, and compassion, and you'll find that your confidence and your impact on the world will grow.

Nene from MANI