Que Será Será

Existing as an adult comes with so many unknown variables, and it is very easy to lose yourself without even realizing that you have lost yourself.

Some of us try to find purpose in our jobs, or a relationship, while some of us just coast along, saying ‘what will be will be’. Yes, que sera, sera, but to a large extent, you have a say in what will be. Don’t use this as a reason to be passive about your life because what happens in your life is not entirely up to chance.

Take control of your narrative, make moves, and shoot your shots. Sometimes amazing things can happen unexpectedly, but they also happen when you make the effort and put in the work, and the feeling of fulfilment you get is indescribable. You can’t control everything, but don’t leave the things you can control to fall where they may either.

You are the main character in your story, always remember and act like it. I’m always rooting for you.

All my love,

Jhoye from MANI