People come and go

We interact with so many people every day, family, friends, colleagues at work and more. Through these interactions, we form bonds, both positive and negative bonds. It’s important to realize that sometimes these bonds weaken over time. I like to think of bonds as ropes made of strings; with each string representing an interactions that form the bonds.

Over time some strings may unravel as interactions fade into the past and bonds weaken. And that’s okay. People may leave our lives when they want to, and holding on too tightly often does more harm than good. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is let go.

Conversely, we must not be afraid to form new bonds. Though past experiences might make us wary of forming new bonds, it’s important to not let these experiences control us and allow ourselves to form new bonds, meet new people, find new happiness and create new experiences to learn from.

People come and go, they always have and they always will.

Alexander from MANI.