Finding calm in the storm

I’ve always loved rainy seasons, especially after a dry season. It's like a rebirth, bringing new life and energy. But, let's be real, every season has its downsides. Rainy seasons can bring flooding, while dry seasons can bring famine and scorching heat waves, especially with climate change.

Life is similar, with its own ups and downs. For everything, there is a season and a time for every activity. We all face challenges, like emotional turmoil, heartbreak, personal struggles, health issues, or joblessness. These storms can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling lost and helpless.

But, what if we could find peace amidst the chaos? What if we could learn to navigate life's challenges with more ease and calmness?

I know it’s tough but stay with me. 

Just yesterday, I got to hear about the passing away of a beloved church member. A hard blow! At that point in time, questions were running through my mind. At a point, I felt this peace within that she has fought the fight and ran her race thus speaking to the brevity of life and a reminder not to be too attached to the material things of this world. 

Remember, life's seasons will come and go. Regardless of your seasons, may you find peace knowing that this too will pass, eventually, just like the night gives way to the day.

So, take a deep breath, acknowledge your emotions, and know that peace is possible, even in the midst of chaos.

Nene from MANI