Nobody gets told “I love you” more than someone that’s died. Sad but true.

It’s so easy to get caught up trying to survive from one day to the next that we forget to show our loved ones how much we love and cherish them. We keep putting off checking on family and friends because we’re really busy.

The truth is that we are always going to be busy with one thing or the other, but the people we love aren’t going to be with us forever.

Going forward, I want you to be more intentional about showing love. Spend time with your parents, play with your siblings, and let them know how much they inspire you. Tell your friends how proud you are of them and don’t stay angry for too long at the people you love. Don’t wait till they can’t hear you anymore before you say how much they mean to you.

Cherish every moment you get to spend with loved ones, because you don’t know when it will be the last.

All my love,

Jhoye From MANI.