Check back with yourself

Life is full of twists and turns and sometimes it turns you into someone else, sometimes permanently, sometimes temporarily as a result of a situation or circumstance.

Some other times, we are the ones who have to turn ourselves, alright maybe not turn, let’s say modify ourselves for a particular situation, and oftentimes we could get caught up in it, and then time passes by and we look at ourselves in the mirror, and we don’t know who is staring back at us.

With every stage, we pass through and every path we walk through, we have to remember to pause for a while and check back with ourselves to make sure that our values and core principles are still intact before carrying on with our journey. So we don’t go so far that we can’t find our way back to ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think any journey is worth losing yourself over.

Ibukun from MANI