Beyond the Beans.

While eating beans the day before, my teeth grinded on a small stone. In annoyance, I dropped the food, and that was all it took to ruin my mood for the entire day. I was sad, not because there was a stone in my food, but because a stone was actually in my food. Why was it there? Why is everything not going according to how I planned? Why am I so pathetic? All these thoughts were born from that innocent stone that ended up in the wrong place. Sometimes, we’re so buried in our own emotions and problems that the slightest discomfort pulls out the most negative reactions from us.

It’s strange how something so small can trigger a cascade of frustration. A stone in a bowl of beans turns into a reason to feel like everything is going wrong. Suddenly, you’re questioning your plans, your worth, and every little thing that doesn’t fit the way you imagined. It’s easy to feel like it’s all falling apart, even though it’s just a single stone. But really, this isn’t about the food—it’s about the buildup of everything else we’ve been holding in. When life doesn’t give us a break, one small mishap feels like the tipping point.

But maybe, in moments like these, we need to pause and remember that life isn’t supposed to be perfect. We can’t always control the little stones that show up in our day. Instead of letting them knock us down, we can try to see them as reminders to be kind to ourselves. It’s okay to feel frustrated and even disappointed. But it’s also okay to breathe, reset, and remember that a single stone doesn’t define the entire meal. Sometimes, it’s about letting ourselves feel what we need to, but not letting it take over. Beyond the stones, there are more beans. 

With love,

Olamide from MANI