A luta continua; vitória é certa

Hollup! It’s not what you’re thinking, Lol. We’re not leading a protest here. However, walk with me for a moment.

We’ve all had those moments where life feels like an uphill battle. Whether it's dealing with stress, confusion, or feeling lost about who we are and where we're headed, the struggle can feel endless. 

That’s where the phrase “A luta continua; vitória é certa” comes in. It means “The struggle continues; victory is certain.” Originally used as a rallying cry in liberation movements, it’s the perfect reminder for anyone facing an identity crisis or challenges: no matter how tough the journey, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

At some point, we question our identity. We wonder: Who am I really? Am I living my life for myself or trying to meet someone else’s expectations? These questions can hit hard when we’re feeling uncertain about our choices, whether it’s in relationships, careers, or just how we see ourselves in the world.

It's a common part of life, especially in a world where we're constantly bombarded with images of what we should be or how we should live. The pressure to “have it all figured out” is real. And when you don’t feel like you fit the mold, it can trigger anxiety, sadness, or self-doubt. 

Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, low self-esteem, or just trying to figure out where you fit in this chaotic world, it can take time. Just like in a revolution, there are setbacks, moments of doubt, and times when giving up feels like an option. But the key is to keep fighting.

You don’t have to have all the answers right away. Figuring out who you are isn’t something you wake up one day and just know. It takes meditation, seeking clarity, experiences, mistakes, learning, and unlearning.

Now, this is the part that gives you hope: Vitória é certa- victory is certain. Things might not magically get better overnight but if you stay committed to the journey, whether it’s seeking therapy, practising self-care, trusting God or just being patient with yourself, you will come out on the other side.

Keep fighting the good fight. Victory is not just possible, it’s certain. You're stronger than you think, and victory is closer than you feel.

Vitória é certa!

Nene From MANI